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Online Studio

Practice LIVE with Beth every week!

Plus, on-demand Somatic Movement lessons, Hatha Yoga & Unwind Practices.

Membership means MORE: practice, connection, clarity and ease.

What is Dwell Membership?

Movement, Breathwork, "Life Support"

Beth welcomes you into the room every week!

  • Get access to our private online studio where you'll learn and let go, meet your community, and feel like you're in the room!


Weekly live, interactive sessions with Beth are joyful and personal. Our live classes keep Dwell vibrant and better than any other online membership! 


Sundays at 9am est

Wednesdays 6:15pm est


Library of Recorded Classes and Short Lessons

  • ​On-demand and always available; organized, easy to find, and never overwhelming.

  • Audio Meditations and Breathwork.

  • Beginner Tutorials and "How to Get Started".


An Engaging Supportive Community

  • Member Book Club that meets monthly on-line.

  • You'll join for the classes and stay for the supportive, kind connection you'll find at Dwell.

Become a Member of Dwell & get LIVE sessions with Beth online for less than $6 a class! 

All Access

Amazing Deal

Convenient monthly auto-draft that you can cancel anytime. Your satisfaction is important to me and guaranteed.

What Dwell Members Are Saying...

"I love Dwell. It is both convenient and full of community, something that often lacks with online classes. Beth is an amazing teacher. I love how down to earth and funny she is, yet I learn something new, either about yoga or myself, every single class."


"I love how easy and accessible it is to incorporate "live" practices into my super busy life. I still have the accountability of doing it with friends and join early to get that community vibe and chat."

Dwell for Business

Your employees deserve tools to help them stay healthy, maintain routine & gear up to be their best.

Life is feeling more stressful and less certain and that can take a toll on body and mind. It can affect productivity and overall work culture. There are positive ways to manage how we react to upset and learn to cope with change. Let me show you how.

Dwell is a resource for ALL your employees, whether they are in the field, in the office, or working from home. Everyone has the opportunity to participate in personal, supportive and engaging instruction. Live or recorded, students feel seen.

This NEW and unique platform creates a tailored experience for every user, wherever they are in their movement practice and wherever they are located. 


3 Ways to Invest in Your Employees

  • ​Join Dwell as a Business Partner and your employees receive 15% off their monthly Dwell Membership for life (employee paid).​

  • Join Dwell as a Business Client and extend wellness to all your employees, locked in for the minimum cost based on enrollments (employer funded).​

  • Boardroom Yoga (TM) is In-Person Stress Management at work-- join the waitlist.

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